Cowan @ Catalina Jazz Club w/Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr.

Great news for yP fans in LA! Some of you know that the prof has spent the past 2 years playing with 7-time Grammy Award winners Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. But,unfortunately, all of the LA performances with the husband and wife duo have been for private events. Well, FINALLY, we are happy to announce a few performances with McCoo and Davis, in the Los Angeles area, that are open to the public! In October, they’ll be performing at the Catalina Jazz Club in Hollywood. The dates are the 9th through the 11th. David will return from his two month project in Japan in late September and then immediately begin rehearsals for the Catalina gig. yP and Marilyn and Billy would love to see you there. We hope you can make it! The band also features music director Darrell Alston on keys and backing vox, bassist Kevin O’neal, and Major Black on guitar and backing vox, and,of course, the young prof David Cowan on drums.

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