Video Release by Andy Vargas & One Tribe Nation

So, FINALLY, the video we shot for our song,”Behind The Lines” is out! produced by Sullen TV, the video features my band, One Tribe Nation and Santana lead singer, Andy Vargas! The song shows the writer in a most vulnerable state of mind bearing his soul about his personal demons. The video was shot on location at The Continental Room in Fullerton,CA. Please have a look at the video…and share it with all your friends. A rocking tune with authentic LA latin-rock vibe.


Well, the Manila trip went really well! Fans loved the show and I had a little bit of time to check out the city. Not a lot, but a little. I’ll be posting some pics soon! Look out for those in the coming week as well as some clips from recent ZUR activity! ALSO news about the upcoming ONE TRIBE NATION record! FINALLY being mixed!

Spreadin’ peace in San Diego TONIGHT!

Oddly enough there exist some very effective weapons for spreading Peace. Music is one such “weapon”. My friend Kenwood Dennard would say that music is a type of “non-violent fist”.

So, I’m about about to do my part tonight and tomorrow and spread some peace down here in San Diego w/ my brother Lennox. Check the calendar for details. Come be peace with us.

Lennox’s Youtube

The creative process! New music coming soon!

Been doing some writing lately. Pulling out the guitar every time I have a moment to just sit with it and mess around.
I’ve really been liking some of the ideas. I’m looking forward to sharing some of them with you once I’ve got a handful of them done. This past three or four months has been full of deep learning experiences that have significantly changed the way I relate to people. It’s especially true for those who are closest to me. Some of that change will be reflected in the next batch of new songs. Stay tuned in if you’d like to stay in the loop about new music and the like. There are special benefits, if you join the family, like free music and all kinds of other goodies. Plus it’ll make it easier for me to let you know when I’m going to be in YOUR town for a show! =)

Click HERE to join the rest of the family!

One Tribe Nation update

Just heard a completed (but pre-mix) version of the OTN tracks titled “Mended Heart” sounded perty durn goood! Can’t wait til it’s all finished so you can hear it!

Somebody Wants You

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Posted in drumming, Music on April 11th, 2010 - Tags: , , , ,

Social Justice PSA

Young Prof’s music can be heard in the background for this Social Justice PSA (Public Service Announcement).

I’m a Social Justice Christian_PSA from New Name Pictures on Vimeo.

Upside Down

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Posted in drumming, Music, Pop/Dance on March 9th, 2010 - Tags: , , , ,

Dear John

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Performance And Clinic Posters

Posted in photos on September 8th, 2009 - Tags: , , , , ,

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