A cool gig LA you should know about!

So I’ve been working with this band One Tribe Nation for a couple years and for the last year or so we’ve been kind of on hiatus while our producer Chris Baseford finishes our album in between all of his really big projects with people like Rob Zombie and Tommy Lee and other folks of that ilk! Wel the other day I get a call from bassist and One Tribe Nation band-mate Dave Filice. He says he’s playing with really cool artist named Ashley Turner and they’ve got an EP release gig coming up and find themselves in need of guess what- you guessed it- A drummer! So I get the music and start listening and REALLY dig the stuff! Interesting songs and melodies and even some interesting metric shifts. And all of that without sounding pretentious! We’re playing at Saint Rocke in Hermosa Beach tomorrow (WEDNESDAY) night at 10PM!  Come by if you’ve been waiting to check out one of my gigs in town! =) Get full detail at my calendar link.

Here’s an interview of Ashley in The Beach Reporter

Cowan @ Catalina Jazz Club w/Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr.

Great news for yP fans in LA! Some of you know that the prof has spent the past 2 years playing with 7-time Grammy Award winners Marilyn McCoo and Billy Davis Jr. But,unfortunately, all of the LA performances with the husband and wife duo have been for private events. Well, FINALLY, we are happy to announce a few performances with McCoo and Davis, in the Los Angeles area, that are open to the public! In October, they’ll be performing at the Catalina Jazz Club in Hollywood. The dates are the 9th through the 11th. David will return from his two month project in Japan in late September and then immediately begin rehearsals for the Catalina gig. yP and Marilyn and Billy would love to see you there. We hope you can make it! The band also features music director Darrell Alston on keys and backing vox, bassist Kevin O’neal, and Major Black on guitar and backing vox, and,of course, the young prof David Cowan on drums.


Hey! Welcome to the new site! This will be the place to find out what’s happening with me and my various music projects including the Phunk Organik Society and One Tribe Nation and other artists/bands with whom I may be playing.

Feel free to explore the site and enjoy the various features such as the videos,photos, and music, comments sections and the forum. In addition you can contact me about gigs as well as get my updates by rss feed or join the mailing list and street team.

The store is not up yet because there’s nothing to sell at this point. But as soon as I get some stuff for you to purchase I’ll be sure to let you know about that too.

But the most important thing for me is that you talk to me. And talk to each other. Music is a wonderful gift that enriches our lives. So let’s share it and talk about it…and spread it around!

As some of you know, I am in Japan at the moment. So , computer time is over for now.But, stay tuned for updates! =)

Thanks to Kristian, at kreeaytiv.com, for building this site for me. YOU ARE THE MAN!! I highly recommend him if you’re in the market for a new website. Also thanks to Jesse Hayes who created the logo for me. Hit Jesse and his lovely wife Arielle up if you want songs, production or graphics. They rule! Love peace, and chicken grease – David “Young Professor” Cowan

in-flight ipod bliss

Posted in blog on August 6th, 2009 - Tags: , , , , , , ,

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